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What exactly is body dysmorphic disorder?

The disorder in question actually affects mental health of the person in a way that they will be so obsessed with their appearance and body image, that they will perceive abnormal number of flaws which no cosmetic products or procedures will be able to fix successfully. Due to this, they tend to feel so shameful and embarrassed because of their physical appearance that they do not want to be seen by anyone for days or even more. It is for this reason that this disorder is sometimes referred to as imagined ugliness, although it is actually known as the fear of a deformity.

People with this disorder are preoccupied with their looks and they strongly believe that they have some abnormality which makes them ugly. They often need others to reassure them about their beliefs, and what’s even more extreme is that they are ready to undergo various cosmetic procedures in order to correct the imagined problem although they are not satisfied with the results eventually. They tend to avoid to situations in which others want to take a picture of them and they also tend to avoid social situations. It is not uncommon that they have too much makeup on their face, or that they try to cover or distract from their flaws by clothing.

How to cope with it?

Even though this disorder cannot disappear on its own, people who suffer from it hardly seek medical and professional help exactly because of shame and embarrassment. If it is untreated for too long, it is more likely that it will aggravate over time and the symptoms will only become more serious. In extreme cases, ignoring the problem can lead to the occurrence of suicidal thoughts and attempts, which only implies the importance of timely treatment. Just like it is the case with the treatment of majority of mental disorders, the treatment of this one also consists of psychological therapy and medications. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the kind of therapy that provides the most satisfying results because it actually teaches the person how to get rid of negative thoughts and see oneself in a more positive and realistic way. As for the drugs that can be included in the treatment, the truth is that the FDA has not really officially approved any medications. Still, those that the doctors tend to prescribe off-label are serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

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