Introduction to Blurred Vision
Blurred vision is a common characteristic of many eye and neurological disorders. The problems with vision may affect one eye or both eyes. This can be of major clinical significance and make setting of the diagnosis much easier.
It is not pleasant to experience blurred vision. If the condition lingers it significantly interferes in routine and every day activities and can cause many difficulties. A person suffering from blurred vision must never drive or operate heavy machinery or participate in any kind of activity that may cause harm to the very person as well as people from his/ her surrounding.
Once the symptom occurs it can be isolated or developed together with other symptoms. The person suffering from blurred vision is due to consult a doctor as soon as possible and the actual cause of the symptom must be diagnosed and treated properly.
What Causes Blurred Vision in One Eye?
Any damage to the eye or the structure that sends information from the eye to the brain (the optic nerve) may cause blurred vision in one eye.
One cause of blurred vision in one eye is a mini-stroke. The symptom commonly affects people suffering from transient ischemic attack (TIA). Apart from blurred vision symptoms and signs of TIA include headache, dizziness, tingling sensation as well as numbness in one side of the body. Diagnosing TIA is essential in further prevention of a more serious condition- stroke. Migraine is one more neurological condition responsible for blurred vision in one eye. Apart from problems with vision migraines commonly feature with severe headache, nausea and vomiting and sensitivity to light and loud sounds.
There are many eye conditions associated with blurred vision in one eye. One of them is glaucoma. This condition features with increased pressure inside the eye. If not treated on time glaucoma may cause serious damage to the optic nerve. Near or farsightedness are also responsible for blurred vision. However, in case of these conditions a person commonly complains about blurry vision in both eyes. In elderly people one more potential cause of blurred vision in one eye is cataract. This is a highly treatable condition and the symptom is easily brought under control. Eye infection is another cause of blurry vision. It requires proper treatment and once the infective agents are eradicated the person restores normal eyesight. And finally, blurred vision in one eye typically occurs after certain surgeries of the eye. One of them is Lasik eye surgery performed in patients suffering from refractive eye disorders.
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