If you decided to avoid meat and animal products there are some facts you should know. Being vegetarian doesn’t necessary mean you are going to be healthy. Cutting on animal food does have a good impact but it may also lead to lack of important nutrients, such as proteins and vitamin B12.
Important Nutrients
Eliminating the meat means eliminating some of the good stuff, important compounds for our body. Vegetarians could lack vitamins, D and B12, proteins, but also iron, zinc and calcium. Usually, it manifests as tiredness and overall weakness of the body. Luckily, there are some veggie-friendly food, which could compensate the lack of minerals and vitamins.
Meat is not the only source of iron. It can also be found in tofu, rice, tomato juice, check peas and cashew nuts.
Dairy products, soy milk, tofu, kale, broccoli and orange juice are rich in calcium and will provide enough of the mineral to strengthen your body.
Whole grains, eggs, dairy products, and tofu are rich in zinc. Also, leafy (cabbage, lettuce, spinach) and root (potatoes, celery, carrots, etc.) vegetables and many different nuts contain adequate amounts of zinc.
Soy products, such as soy milk, tempeh, miso are excellent sources of vitamin B12. Also, they are rich in proteins, but low in fat and calories, making them great for your diet. Vitamin B12 is found in eggs and dairy products too.
Just 10 minutes of sunshine everyday will provide enough vitamin D for the whole day. Sometimes, however, there is no sunshine, so drink a glass of cow or soy milk, or eat some cereals. It will satisfy the needs of your body for vitamin D.
Vegetarians must eat lots of different food to provide enough proteins. The most proteins can be found in soy products, lentils, peas and nuts.
Sometimes, if you feel tired it might be a good idea to consult the doctor. He/she may suggest the vitamins and supplements suitable for you.
Healthy Vegetarian Tips
Veggies could get fat also. Their diet is not always the healthiest, because some of the people tend to use lot of fat to compensate lack of meat. Follow these tips to assure your body is getting what it really needs:
Avoid frying with fat. It is not good either for vegetarian or for meat-lovers. Instead, use fat spray, soy sauce or lemon juice.Avoid junk food. These include candies and cakes, but also cheesy pizzas and precooked meals, usually stuffed with fat.Eat variety of food everyday to provide all necessary nutrients to your body.If you are just starting to cook vegetarian, look for some help. People working in health food stores may advise you how to prepare the groceries you bought. You can also read about it. There are plenty of vegetarian cookbooks and some great recipes may be found on the internet.
Physical exercise should be important part of your healthy lifestyle. 15 minutes a day makes a difference.
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