Why Adults Wet the Bed?
Adults rarely discuss this problem and many of them feel ashamed. Causes of adult bed wetting are different than in children and many consider this to be very traumatic experience.
Urological disorders are one of the most common causes of adult bed wetting at night and also at any time of the day. Genetic predisposition can be blamed for these disorders, so always check medical history of your parents and grandparents to see if anyone of them had similar problems.
Small functional capacity of the bladder (FBC, functional bladder capacity) can also be blamed for nocturnal enuresis in adults.
Taking hypnotic medications to get some sleep can also be the part of the problem with bedwetting at night. Hypnotics are known to inhibit many signals in the brain, so the signal it is time to urinate may also be missed or neglected because of the drugs. As the result, these patients may experience nighttime bed wetting.
Adult Bedwetting Solutions
First of all – you shouldn’t be ashamed if you are suffering from nocturnal enuresis. Visit your doctor and ask for appropriate treatment. You family should know about your problem, since you may need their psychological support.
Monitor your daily intake of water and limit the amount of fluids you are going to drink late in the afternoon and in the evening. Make sure to be properly hydrated during this period to avoid any health complications.
Bladder training is also highly efficient and without any side effects whatsoever. This is found to be especially helpful for patients dealing with small function bladder capacity.
Another option is drug treatment and the drugs are usually combined with behavior treatment.
People dealing with nocturnal enuresis should avoid stress and tiredness if they possibly can, because this can worsen their current problem. Most of the patients are not able to do so, for they worry about embarrassment in front of their partner in the morning or worry it might happen again when they fall asleep.
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