Inflammation of the appendix, a condition known as appendicitis is associated with severe abdominal pain. This is a life-threatening condition so you should learn to recognize appendix pain symptoms in order to seek medical attention on time. In this article we will discuss appendix pain symptoms, particularly the symptoms in children.
What is Appendix?The appendix is a small, finger-like organ, connected to the end of the caecum and positioned near the beginning of the large intestine. It is located in the right, lower part of the abdomen. Appendix is long between two and eight inches. The inside of the appendix is termed the appendiceal lumen. Through the appendiceal lumen, the mucus produced by the appendix is passed into the large intestine. The appendix does not have significant function in the body. However, inflamed appendix may cause serious problems and even pose a risk to life. If appendicitis is not treated on time, the appendix can burst leading to spreading of the infection into the abdominal cavity. This can eventually result in sepsis, a fatal condition that can cause organ failure.
Causes of Appendix Pain
Appendicitis, in which the appendix becomes inflamed, swollen and filled with pus, occurs due to an obstruction of the appendiceal lumen. Most commonly, it is caused by a hard piece of stool trapped in the organ. Another possible cause is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract that results in enlarged and inflamed lymph tissue. Some experts believe the appendix pain can be due to inflammatory bowel disease such as Chrohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Trauma to the abdomen is considered to be possible cause too of appendix pain.
Symptoms of Appendix Pain
The major symptom of inflamed appendix is abdominal pain. The pain usually starts abruptly. Initially, the pain is commonly felt in the middle of the abdomen and later it moves to the right or the left lower abdomen. The pain is generally described as progressively worsening. Also, the pain worsens with movement, coughing or sneezing. Apart from abdominal pain, appendicitis is followed by low grade fever, nausea, vomiting, change in bowel habits and loss of appetite. Swelling in abdomen and discomfort while passing stool usually go with appendicitis.
Symptoms of Appendix Pain in ChildrenAppendicitis is a condition that occasionally affects children. In children, symptoms associated with inflammation of the appendix are similar to those in adults. However, a fever tends to be high in children. Also, children may experience appendix pain in different places.
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