Adult Dyslexia
Sometimes our brain blocks our ability to divide two numbers,and sometimes we just can`t remember how to write a certain word. These mistakesare usually caused because we got confused, shy, embarrassed or nervous. Inmany cases, it doesn`t have to be that naïve. There are many adults that areconfusing left and right, misspelling words, writing or reading a word incorrectly.These adults are called dyslexic adults. Dyslexia is a person`s disability tobe good at directional or visual skills, or just spell, write or read a certainword. Some hormonal or genetic disorders could be a reason why a person isdyslexic, but sometimes, although very rarely, some kind of trauma could also beone of the triggers of it.
Adult Dyslexia Tests
We can determine if aperson is dyslexic or not by doing certain dyslexia tests. These tests are evaluatingsomeone`s ability to write, spell or read words. Misspelling the words can be asign that a person is dyslexic and some of the words dyslexic persons misspell areenough, friend, does and journey. A dyslexic person would usually spell themlike enuf, frend, dus, and jerney. Testscan also determine if a person has some problems with directional or visualskills. A lot of dyslexic people are confusing left and right. One more testincludes following the instructions and these instructions can be just simplesentences that a person should repeat, and if he/she finds it a bit difficultto do that, than they are dyslexic. Doing basic mathematical operations wrong canindicate that a person is dyslexic, too.
Dyslexic people can have serious problems in an everydaylife just because of their dyslexia. For example, they can forget about an importantappointment because they mixed up times or dates. Or they can have troubles topass a certain message to others because of dyslexia. They can also mix upphone numbers or make a mistake in writing a check. Some people with dyslexiaturn to a professional such as psychologist. However, visits to psychologistscan be very expensive, so others turn to online resources or book tests. But theyare not always 100% accurate. You should consult a psychologist before usingany of the results of your tests.
Types of Tests
There are many types of tests, but we are going to mentionthe two most common. The first type of tests is called a comprehensive test. Thistest is an objective test, meaning that a psychologist that is testing a personusually doesn`t meet him/her in person. He establishes his conclusions accordingto the results of the test. Comprehensive tests include visual or directionalskills, writing, reading, spelling and other abilities. The second type oftests is called screening tests and these tests don`t actually determine if aperson is dyslexic, but guide them to other more specific tests if necessary. Screeningtests are usually done in groups and they indicate disorders such as delayeddevelopment, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or dyslexia.
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