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Speaking of dyslexia, we have to mention that about 4% of the population are suffering from it severely, with about 6% having moderate problems caused by this learning disorder. Dyslexia affects one's ability to process information and mostly manifests through difficulties in writing, reading, spelling and dealing with numbers. Fortunately, there are different methods which can help children and adults with dyslexia surpass their limitations. Nevertheless, dyslexia is not a mental disorder, nor is it caused by social or economic factors. Usually, the first signs of dyslexia involve failing at school for reasons unknown to the sufferer.

Dyslexia Reaching the Surface in the Office

In most cases, adults manage to cover up their dyslexia. However, there are certain situations which can cause this disorder to become visible. For example, an individual may have used support from a secretary or someone else capable of dealing with the problematic data. Yet, once this person is not available, a dyslexic individual may have problems dealing with the paperwork. Also, a promotion, requiring further bureaucratic involvement may reveal one's dyslexia.

Positive and Negative Sides of Dyslexia

Dyslexic people are not impaired or incapable of dealing with different situations at work. Rather, they are creative and have innovative ideas, often solving problems effectively, through unique approaches. Additionally, they manage visual and spatial coordination flawlessly and excel in music, art, design, architecture and engineering, as well as verbal communication.

Nevertheless, dyslexic individuals are bound to face difficulties when it comes to spelling and reading comprehension skills, along with handwriting and number calculations. They may have problems with organizing numbers or sequences. Obeying time and deadlines may be a problem for dyslexic people too. Finally, these people may solve problems, but at the same time be incapable of explaining the process of their solution.

Working with Dyslexic Individuals

Dyslexic people should not be left out during reading and accepting job applications. Rather, they contain numerous potentials which can present excellent addition to your current working staff, provided you adjust the working environment so that it is more suitable for dyslexic people.

Be flexible with dyslexic people, allowing them to do the job their way, without following any strict processes or sequences of rules. When giving them application forms or other typed data, use clearly visible fonts like Arial size 12. Also, allow them to use spell checkers by sending them emails rather than giving them hard copies of any forms. Sometimes, colored paper may work better for dyslexics, since black on white may be illegible for people with this disorder.

Sometimes, dyslexics may need to undergo professional assessment before they can work. Nevertheless, give these people a chance by being flexible, supportive and co-operative. You will not regret it.

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