Glaucoma is a medical condition that features with increased intraocular pressure. Glaucoma can be acute and chronic and if left untreated it may eventually cause serious and irreversible damage to the optic nerve. In some cases, neglected glaucoma results in blindness. Glaucoma typically occurs in people older that 65 but it may also be induced by certain medical condition such as diabetes mellitus and even affect people who are younger than 65.
Different Types of Glaucoma and Their SymptomsOpen-Angle GlaucomaOpen-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma. It occurs as a consequence of blocked draining canals in the eyes. The blockage leads to inappropriate drainage of the eye fluid, it accumulates and induces increase of intraocular pressure. Many people who have open-angle glaucoma suffer from no symptoms. On the other hand, slight peripheral vision loss can be the only and not so intensive symptoms of the disease. This is why open-angle glaucoma may stay undetected. This type of glaucoma causes severe damage to the eye and when the diagnosis is eventually set the increased ocular pressure has already caused irreversible damage. Closed-Angle GlaucomaClosed-angle glaucoma is not so common type of the disease. It is a form of acute glaucoma and results from abrupt narrowing of the opening that is located between the cornea and the iris. The fluid accumulates rapidly and the symptoms and signs are rather severe. They include pain in the eyes, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and blurred vision. Even complete loss of vision is possible. Patients see rainbow colored circle in from of their eyes when they are exposed to bright light. This is an urgent condition and requires prompt medical help. If not treated on time closed-angle glaucoma can lead to permanent loss of vision. Normal-Tension GlaucomaNormal-tension glaucoma is a type of glaucoma which does not feature with increased ocular pressure. Still, it does cause damage to the optic nerve and leads to loss of vision. The underlying cause may be low blood pressure. This type of glaucoma predominantly affects women. Primary Congenital Glaucoma The type of glaucoma that affects infants and small children is classified as primary congenital glaucoma. It develops as a consequence of congenital or hereditary factors. The problem is that the diagnosing of this type of glaucoma may be difficult since children cannot recognize or report the symptoms of the disease. Parents are those who may notice certain symptoms such as cloudy cornea, hypersensitivity to light, and hazy eyes or increased tearing of the eyes. Primary congenital glaucoma predominantly affects boys.Glaucoma in DogsAnd finally, glaucoma may also affect animals, particularly dogs. What is specific about this glaucoma is that it first affects the left eye of the animal. Female dogs are more susceptible to glaucoma comparing to male dogs. The symptoms include enlarged and red eyes accompanied by increased production of tears and sensitivity to light.
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