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What exactly is dyslexia and what are the main symptoms?

Dyslexia is actually a learning disability which is characterized by the brain’s inability to transform the written words into meaningful language. Since it occurs in childhood, it results in the child’s inability to read, write and spell, although it is not impossible that the child in question will not be able to speak either. This disorder is much more common than it might seem, and the severity may vary from mild to severe.

As for the symptoms that are more or less typical of this disorder, the fact is that they are not always easy to recognize. In preschool children, the parents should pay a bit more attention if their child begins to talk late, if it adds new words slower than other children and if it has difficulty with rhyming. When it comes to children at school age, the symptoms are more noticeable and the teacher is usually the one who detects them first. The child will not read as good as other children of its age and classmates, and it will not progress at the same speed, it will have problems to understand what others say, particularly when a teacher gives rapid instructions, it will have problems to memorize the sequence of things or events, as well as to recognize similarities and differences in words and even letters. Aside from this, the child will probably see letters or even some words in reverse even after the period at which it is quite common for children to see them that way, and difficulties in learning a foreign language and spelling will be noticeable as well.

Why does it occur and how can it be treated?

This condition tends to run in families and the real cause is probably improper functioning of certain brain areas which are closely related to language. Even though children with this disorder read at considerably lower levels than it is normal for their age, the truth is that their intelligence is not lower than average. On the contrary, it frequently occurs that children who are diagnosed with dyslexia have intelligence which is above the average.

It is important to detect this problem as soon as possible, because the outcome will be more favorable if the treatment begins earlier. Still, this does not mean that after certain age it is too late to treat the disorder; on the contrary, it is never too late for something like that. The truth is that it will probably be more difficult for older people to go through the therapy and treatment than it is for children, but language skills can be improved at any age.

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