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All effects of drug abuse are considered detrimental for both the physical part and mental part of an individual. Many long term effects of drug abuse lead to serious health problems and almost each of them can cause lethal outcome.

It is obvious that drugs which are inhaled predominantly cause damage and harm to the oral cavity and the respiratory system. On the other hand, drugs that influence the central nervous system most commonly cause certain mental and behavioral changes but can also exhibit some detrimental effects on other organs and organ systems in the body.

Stimulative drugs affect the heart and may, in susceptible individuals, cause a heart attack. Not to mention pregnant women who not only jeopardize their own lives but also expose their unborn children to many negative effects of drugs.

Long Term Effects of Different Drugs

Barbiturates and tranquilizers are considered common drugs uncontrollably used by many people. In the long run such substances may induce hang-over symptoms, nausea and in severe cases even seizures and coma. Some individuals also tend to mix these drugs with alcohol which increases the risk of lethal outcome.

Cocaine users eventually develop tremor (involuntary, up to certain extent rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscles), seizures and problems with the heart or respiratory system. Psychosis is another consequence of prolonged cocaine abuse.

Long term abuse of LSD is associated with nausea, rapid heart beat and certain mental changes such as depression and disorientation. If the drug is taken for a long period of time, an individual may develop paranoia or psychosis.

Prolonged abuse of marijuana and hashish is accompanied by cognitive problems and weakening of the immune system. Damage to lung tissue and infertility are two more potential consequences.

Heroin is a narcotic which leads to rapid deterioration of an addict. It affects many organs and organ systems and may cause circulatory depression, impotence, constipation etc. The most serious consequence is definitely overdose, which, if not treated timely, inevitably leads to death.

Intake of PCP induces violent and many times unpredictable behavior and if the drug is taken for a long period of time, it may contribute to dizziness, numbness, changes in heart rate and blood pressure and even convulsions. Heart and respiratory failure occur in case of PCP overdose.

And finally, stimulative drugs (e.g. amphetamines) affect heart rate and blood pressure and may be associated with many health issues such as headache, dizziness, skin disorders, impotence, tremor, seizures and psychosis.

Drug Abuse Long Term Effects on Different Aspects of Life

Prolonged intake of many drugs leads to poor school performance as well as poor work performance. It is estimated that such individuals are more absent than present at school or work, and they are generally less productive. Such individuals are also prone to conflicts with their co-workers and peers.

Relationship problems are also evident so drug addicts may eventually end up alone or continue socializing only with people who cherish the same unhealthy habit as they do. And finally, the majority of drug addicts eventually develop certain personality changes. They may become anxious, aggressive, irritable or even violent.

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