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Acid reflux disease is condition where sphincter of esophagus does not function properly and this is why content of the stomach returns to esophagus. This condition usually affects lower third of esophagus. There are several factors that might lead to this problem (genetics, obesity, diaphragm, hernias and other). Acid reflux usually starts right after the meals, so it is recommended that the person walks a bit, when meal is taken. Unfortunately, there is a strong connection between acid reflux disease and malign tumor.

Acid reflux

Basically, lower part of esophagus is where HCL stomach ends up. In that moment, a person feels regurgitation and there is usually heartburn too. As a result of this, HCL damages the surface layers in esophagus. In the beginning, these are small lesions, but if this continues, scar tissue might emerge. This is the place where ulcers might appear too. Long-term acid reflux disease will lead to ulcers, esophagitis and chronic esophagitis. If acid reflux disease is not eliminated in time, cancer will occur. Symptoms of this condition are problematic swallowing; there is feeling of food slowly passing through esophagus, pain behind sternum etc. Pain intensifies right after food is taken in. These symptoms should not be ignored, a doctor should be visited right away.

Progression of cancer

This type of cancer has four stages and the first is occurrence of malign cells in the scar tissue of esophagus. The second stage is spread of malign cells to other parts of esophagus. The third stage includes a possibility of rupture of scarred tissue of esophagus. In this situation, excretion of HCL in mediastinum (thorax) is possible. The fourth stage starts when malign cells begin to spread to other organs via blood and lymph. This stage, unfortunately, carries the smallest possibility for a complete recovery.

When treating a cancer, there are several types of therapy and those are cytostatics therapy, radio therapy and surgery. Of course, the best thing would be if the cancer did not show up in the first place. This happens with normal, healthy eating, which includes consummation of vegetables, fruits and fibers. It does not have to be mentioned that smoking and alcohol should be thrown away from the life of a person, completely. Occasional drinking and smoking isn’t dangerous, we are talking about hard core players, those who have at least a decade of using bad habits behind them.

Whatever happens in the end, it is obvious that living with a cancer is not easy. Therefore, there are many helping options for such patients, whether in the form of therapy or individual sessions.

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