Hiatal hernia happens often in older people and there are several forms of this hernia. It is interesting that almost a half of the patients do not have any symptoms, while the other half can have several intensive symptoms, regurgitation, acid reflux, and some others too.
One of the four basic types of hiatal hernia is sliding hernia. It is a most common hernia, and it happens in 90 percent of all hernia cases. This form is caused in a moment when the pressure in the abdominal area increases drastically. Situations that include that pressure spikes that might lead to hernia are coughing, pregnancy and physical exertion. Most of the patients do not feel any discomfort. But, this type of hernia can complicate in time as a result of damaged sphincter of esophagus. In that moment, acid reflux esophagitis happens. Sometimes it is discovered completely by a chance with a help of endoscopic or ultrasound treatment. Diagnose is set when acid reflux esophagitis emerges with its symptoms. Asymptomatic form of this illness does not require any special treatment. Therapy is applied when this type of hernia is combined with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), which is actually a direct link between hiatal hernia and acid reflux.
GERD is caused by negative effect of duodenal and stomach fluids in distal part of esophagus. Typical clinical picture includes heartburn, regurgitation, painful swallowing, burping, dysphagia. Feeling of burning behind sternum is also present sometimes. All of these symptoms usually come after eating. GERD patient avoids taking of food and also they walk after the meal.
Second type of hiatal hernia is called Rolling hernia. Symptoms of acid reflux are rare in this form, and the patient usually complains of the pain behind sternum after eating, because of the stretching of the part of the stomach. Burping is also present because a patient wants to be relieved from discomfort. As a consequence, malnutrition might happen, because of reduced eating.
Surgery is one of the methods that can be used for dealing with hernia. Before the surgery, all the symptoms should be eliminated first, and then the procedure may be applied. Hiatal hernia must be taken seriously because of the possible complications. This is why it is important for people to go to a doctor at a first sign of some medical problem. This will ensure a person that most of the time nothing serious happens. Actually, many health conditions can be prevented greatly with regular medical examination.
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