How often does your baby nurse when you are at home? Try pumping at similar intervals and for similar periods of time. Medical experts recommend pumping at least every three hours to prevent a decrease in milk supply. But, the more often you pump, the more milk you will get and the more your supply will go up. Are you not getting much milk through pumping? Some of the best tips for better pumping are thinking of your baby while you pump, visualizing flowing milk, or even looking at a video of you breastfeeding your baby while you pump. Keep in mind that not all pumps are created equal though. If your pump is giving you sore nipples, you may be using the wrong pump for you. Many women find electrical pumps easier to use than manual ones.
There are even double hands-free pumps on the market that allow you to answer emails, write reports, or talk on the phone all while pumping! A good pump is often an investment though. How about nipple confusion? Some babies just will not take bottles, while others seem to have trouble latching on to the breast after receiving bottles. Avoid giving your baby a bottle in the first six weeks of life if possible, and seek out bottles with teats that mimic the nipple. There are some very good ones around now. Would you like to read more about breastfeeding? Take a look at do you need to avoid certain foods while breastfeeding?
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