The reproductivesystem in the females is very sensitive and can be affected by many conditions.The most serious consequence of not treating some of the reproductive systemdisorder or disease in women is infertility.
The developmentof ovarian cysts is quite normal in many women. While some may experiencethe growth of only one ovarian cyst, there are also those who experience thedevelopment of many benign cysts on the ovaries, which is a condition named as polycysticovarian syndrome. These cysts that arethe products of the ovulation cycles are the sacs filled with fluid. Polycysticovarian syndrome is an ailment that usually appears in women younger than30 years of age. In mostcases, the polycystic ovarian cysts do not need any treatment since many times they are just the enlargements of the follicles of the normal egg.
Causes ofpolycystic ovarian syndrome
The main reason for the occurrence ofpolycystic ovarian syndrome is insulin resistance and therefore, the women whosuffer from type 2 diabetes are at high risk to develop many benign cysts onthe ovaries. When the woman is insulin resistant, the level of the insulin inthe blood is elevated since the cells do not respond to this hormone. Apart fromthe polycystic ovarian syndrome, high amounts of insulin in the blood alsocause lack of ovulation and miscarriage, as well as the infertility and elevatedlevels of androgens.
When the follicles that contain theeggs are not fully developed, they tend to collect in the ovaries, and since theeggs do not mature they cannot be let free form the ovaries, which results in theiraccumulation as cysts within the ovaries. The low levels of the hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone and elevated levels of androgens in the ovaries are theresponsible causes for the lack of ovulation and follicle maturation.
Symptoms of polycystic ovariansyndrome
The women who develop polycystic ovarian syndrome may experience severalwarning signs, such as irregular menstrual cycle, which can be marked either by lightor heavy menstruation, type 2 diabetes, the excessive weight gain, acne and decreasedbreasts size. The polycystic ovarian syndrome mayalso cause the development of some male sex characteristics like increased bodyhair and the enlargement of clitoris, as well as the deepening of the voice. Sometimes, this condition may cause infertilityin women and for this reason, it is highly important to treat the polycysticovarian cysts.
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