Brain diseases are any kind of diseases that affect the brain. Brain is the most important organ in the whole body, the one that controls all other organs as well as our thoughts, memory, speech and movement. Healthy brain works quickly and automatically but when something goes wrong the effects of brain disease are quickly noticeable in all other parts of the body, and in every aspect of functioning. The symptoms of brain diseases generally vary dramatically, depending on what actually causes the problem and what kind of damage is done. In many cases, the damage caused by brain diseases is irreversible, while sometimes patients may get some relief or even improvement by medical treatment. Here are some of the most common brain diseases.
Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges, which are protective membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord. This infection can be caused by various agents, including viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. This is the same kind of inflammation that may affect any other part of the body. However, when it occurs in brain it is especially dangerous since it is very close to the central nervous system and spinal cord. Meningitis is a medical emergency usually characterized by strong headache, stiffness in the neck, fever, confusion, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to loud noises or light.
Brain trauma
Trauma to the brain, also known as brain injury, is an injury that may result in destruction or degeneration of brain cells. Sometimes, this damage is caused by other medical reasons such as stroke, a vascular accident in the brain that rapidly leads to loss of brain functions. More frequently, traumatic brain injury is a cause of brain damage, and it happens when an outside force traumatically injures the brain. Symptoms are dependent on the severity of an injury and on the part of the brain that is mostly affected.
Stroke is caused by disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. This disturbance results due to lack of blood flow, which is typically caused by some kind of a blockage. The affected areas of the brain will become deprived of blood and oxygen and rapidly die off, losing the ability to function. After the stroke survivors usually have problems to move limbs on one side of the body, problems with understanding and speaking, and problems with vision.
Brain tumor
Brain tumor is an intracranial solid neoplasm that forms within the brain or within the central spinal canal. As any other type of tumor, these are created by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division. This is a serious and life-threatening condition primarily because of its invasive and infiltrative character in the limited space of the skull.
- medlineplus.gov/braindiseases.html
- medlineplus.gov/degenerativenervediseases.html
- Photo courtesy of Roger Mommaerts by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/83991392@N00/103148350/
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