Warfarin is a medication which belongsto the class of drugs called anticoagulants or blood thinners. Thus,warfarin is used for prevention and treatment of health problemsrelated to blood-clotting. However, like many other medications, thisone can also be used for purposes not listed in many medicationguides of this type.
Warfarin is an Anticoagulant Medication
The main purpose of the anticoagulantcharacteristics of warfarin is prevention and treatment of strokes,as well as heart attacks and blood clots in veins and arteries. Yet,in order to get the most out of this drug, you are advised to payattention to the factors mentioned below.
First of all, warfarin should not betaken by pregnant women or women who are planning to concieve, due tothe fact that the drug can cause health problems to the fetus. Also,people who suffer from bleeding disorders or blood cell disordersshould stay away from warfarine, along with people who suffer frominfections affecting the lining of the heart and stomach or brainbleeding. Furthermore, individuals who are supposed to undergo asurgery soon or have recently done so, as well as those who need toreceive anesthesia or spinal tap, all should avoid taking warfarin inorder to prevent numerous possible side-effects from taking place.
Some other situations you are advisedto inform your doctor about, when having warfarin prescribed, arehistory of bleeding problems or conditions related to thisoccurrence, hypertension or some serious heart diseases and kidneydisorders. Also, cancer, past medical interventions you haveundergone and all other important parts of your medical history arebest to be reported to the doctor.
Nevertheless, even when all the abovefactors are ruled out, you are advised to be very careful and refrainfrom taking this medication while taking some other drugs, especiallyover-the-counter medications and herbal products. The outcome of suchcombinations can even be death.
Also, taking into consideration thatthis medication results in increased risk of bleeding, you are notadvised to take them if you suffer from disease-caused bleedingproblems, anemia or similar conditions, or if you find blood in yoururine or stool. In addition, avoid taking warfarin if you havesuffered from head trauma, brain hemorrhage or aneurysms.
Finally, warfarin is known to causebleeding in people who are older than 65, people with severedebilitations or terminal illnesses and individuals who suffer fromcancer or some kidney diseases. On the other hand, diabetics, thosewith intestinal disorders and people who suffer from heartconditions, hyperthyroidism, along with other illnesses, should havethe dosage of this medication modified and changed in order to avoidhealth further health problems.
If you happen to miss a warfarin dose,take one as soon as you remember this, unless the second dose isalready due. In the latter case, take the second dose without makingup for the previous one. Either way, before taking any steps,consider yourself advised to contact your doctor. Store thismedication according to the information that is obtained with it andfollow all the instructions you get from your health provider.
Side-Effects of Warfarin
As far as severe, and the rarest,side-effects related to warfarine are concerned, these are bleedingand necrosis. While bleeding can affect any organ or tissue in thebody, gangrene, caused by this medication, appears mostly on thesurface of the skin. If the bleeding, as a side-effect, affects thebrain, headaches and paralysis may occur. If bleeding appears in thejoints, inflammation, joint pain and swelling may take place.
Furthermore, if the bleeding occursinside the stomach or the intestine, the effects will be manifestedthrough weakness, fainting, black stools, vomiting of blood or somematerials resembling coffee ground found in the vomit or aftercoughing. When the bleeding appears in the kidneys, the side-effectsof warfarin can be narrowed down to back pain and blood found in theurine. Ultimately, some other adverse reactions to these medicationsencompass purple and painful toes, loss of hair, flatulence,diarrhea, jaundice, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, increased and heavymenstrual bleeding and bruising.
Therefore, do not risk suffering fromthese, serious side-effects. Rather, consult with your healthprovider adequately and have all the conditions which might lead tounwanted symptoms prevented and ruled out, using warfarin for itsproper, healthy effect or switching to another type of similarmedication, if warfarin is too dangerous for you.
All in all, warfarin is an anticoagulant, preventing blood clots and the conditions caused bythis occurrence. Hence, the number of people who can benefit fromthis medication is countless. Nevertheless, like any other drug ofthis type, warfarin is known to trigger certain unwanted effects whennot taken according to your doctor's instructions. Bear the abovementioned facts in mind and make sure that you only take warfarin ifit is completely safe for you to do so.
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