What exactly is Asperger’s syndrome and what are the maincharacteristics?
Asperger’s syndrome is a type of a neurobiological disorder, which also belongs to the group of conditions known as autism spectrum disorders. These disorders are characterized by certain developmental disabilities, among which is also autism, and since it affects children, it means that their ability to communicate and socialize with others is impaired. These children have poor social interactions, odd speech patterns and obsessions, they do not display many facial expressions, they lack of eye contact, and they may easily be irritated by some light that only they notice. Sometimes even usual sounds from the surroundings may irritate them, and a number of other unusual habits are present. Even though these children are seen as odd by others, and even though they have motor delays, limited interests, they move with poor coordination and tend to seem clumsy, they are capable to function in everyday activities. As for the cause of this disorder, it has not been understood by the scientists and doctors yet. Some facts point out that there is a link between this disorder and genetics, as well as particular abnormalities in some areas of the brain, but further researches in that direction are to be done.
Is there a cure for Asperger's syndrome and how can it be treated?
This condition is mostly diagnosed in children who are between 5 and 9 years old, although in many cases Asperger’s syndrome can be recognized after they turn 3 years. There is no cure for this condition, but the fact is that there are cases in which the signs and symptoms disappear over time. However, the greatest majority has to deal with them for the rest of their lives. There exist some forms of the treatment that the child may benefit from, which particularly applies for children in whom this disorder is diagnosed very early. Some of such forms are language therapy, social skills therapy, psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy (in cases of older children), and medications. It is also important to educate and train the parents, or even other family members, babysitters and teachers, in order for them to know how to deal with this disorder and how to treat the children in particular situations. It is important to find the right method for each child, because they can benefit only from the methods that are appropriate for them.
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