Can you imagine your life without the tongue? It is very hard thing to do, isn’t it, particularly since the tongue is not only the organ of taste, but it is also involved in the speaking process, helping the proper forming of the sounds?
Transient lingual papillae
We can detect different tastes by the means of papillae and taste buds, which cover the upper layer of the tongue. Four types of papillae have been identified, as well as the four types of the tastes, except from the fact that the filiform papillae do not have taste buds. This upper layer of the tongue can develop condition called transient lingual papillitis, which is also called lie bumps since many superstitious people believe that they occur when a person lies.
When this condition occurs, it is manifested through the outbreak of tiny bumps, which are either white or red. Of the four types of papillae, this disorder mainly affects the fungiform papillae. Even though the transient lingual papillae can be quite painful sometimes, the bumps typically subside on their own without any treatment.
Since this tongue disorder mostly affects fungiform papillae, in the view of the fact that these papillae contain a number of taste buds with a lot of nerves, the severe pain that appears is quite expected. Except from the pain, the person with transient lingual papillae may also experience burning sensation on the affected part of thetongue.
Causes of transient lingual papillitis
In medicine, the main cause for the outbreak of these bumps on the tongue is not familiar yet. However, there are several potential causative factors that may contribute to the occurrence of this unpleasant tongue condition.
It is believed that a local trauma may be responsible for the incidence of lie bumps, as well as the irritation of the tongue. For example, when we accidentally bite our tongue, or when we scrape it unintentionally, it can lead to the appearance of the red or white bumps. Furthermore, the simple rubbing of this organ against the roof of the mouth may also be one of the causes of transient lingual papillitis. It is considered that consuming several types of food may be a culprit for the outbreak of lie bumps. For example, it is regarded that spicy and salty foods, as well as acidic food, may lead to the incidence of transient lingual papillitis. Moreover, stress can also cause the lie bumps.
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