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Musicfor the body, the soul and mental well-being

Giventhe fact that we live in a society that is making exceptionally rapidprogress, it can be said that, day in and day out, each aspect of ourlives gets influenced by it. And not only our lives, but alsoeverything that has to do with our well-being in general, includingboth the conventional and alternative medicine, and all the methodsand techniques they encompass are also influenced.

Oneof such methods that has proven to be extremely effective is themusic therapy. It has foundspecial application in the treatment and remediation, as well aseducation of those children and grown ups who suffer from specificdevelopmental disabilities. What must be particularly emphasized isthe fact that the therapeutic approach in question produces extremelysatisfactory results in improving skills and skill areas of utmost importance to the people suffering from specific kind of disabilitysuch as mental retardation, autism-spectrum disorders, Rett/WilliamsSyndrome, various learning disabilities, attachment disorder,cerebral palsy and alike.

Applicationand uses

Giventhe fact that this specific therapeutic method encompasses quite anumber of practices in continuation of this article will be mentioned only those more essential areas in which musical therapy hasfound sturdy application and produced exceptional results. Since eachtherapy predominantly depends upon the specific nature of thecondition of the individual in question, each recommendation is to be carefully reviewed and properly employed fortreatment purposes.

Cognitive skills – in this regard, it has been discovered that the therapy in question provides exceptional means for attention stimulation and improvement of focus. In addition. it holds immense potential and abundance of benefits for such individuals who do not respond to any other intervention. Furthermore, given the versatile nature of music as such, it has been also deemed as a quite essential learning tool in the sense that, for example, repetition accompanied by music can be much more productive and enjoyable, come to that.Physical skills – what have research studies discovered is that rhythm has the ability to stimulate and organize muscle response, from which those individuals suffering from neuromuscular disorders can benefit to a great extent.Communication skills – is yet another area in which music therapy has found its utmost effective use. Namely, it is known to be highly effective at stimulating and motivating speech and in providing exceptional grounds for nonverbal communication.

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