Considering the taste and the health properties of almonds, it makes sense that this nut is more expensive than other nuts. Almonds make a delicious and healthy snack and they can be used as a remedy for a number of ailments. In addition, they improve the appearance of the skin and the hair.
The almond
The almond or Prunus dulcis is a tree native to Middle East and South Asia, but today it is cultivated wherever the climate permits it.
The fruit of the almond tree is not exactly a nut and it is called a drupe. It has an outer hull called exocarp and a hard shell called endocarp, which protects the seed or the “nut”, its edible part.
There are two types of almonds, sweet and bitter. The sweet almond was once widely used in production of oil, which is distilled from the kernel. The oil today, is used only in alternative medicine and as a carrier oil in aromatherapy. Sweet almond is also used for consumption. Bitter almond can also be used to obtain oil, but this oil is only to be used in very small quantities, because it can be poisonous.
Benefits of almonds
Almonds are very nutritious as they contain little to no cholesterol and a lot of high-quality absorbable protein. For this reason they make a perfect breakfast snack.
They are rich in fiber, which makes them easily digestible, and they contain monounsaturated fats, important in the battle against high cholesterol and other problems.
These nuts are rich in minerals, especially magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. The have the ability to improve mental performance, focus and memory, which is why many students eat them while studying for exams.
Alpha-tocopherol in almonds is a major source of vitamin A, very important for healthy and nice looking skin and hair. It is believed that regular consumption of almonds keeps the skin wrinkle-free for longer, and it certainly improves its texture and elasticity. They also cleanse the skin internally and promote the waste-elimination processes.
Almonds are recommended for people who have anemia. Copper, iron and vitamins from almonds work together to accelerate the production of red blood cells and thus prevent and cure anemia.
Almonds are also beneficial for the bones, because they contain nutrients that are crucial for the bone density. Almonds are recommended for children who are still growing and for women in menopause who are prone to osteoporosis.
A handful of peeled almonds eaten before bedtime is a great cure for constipation, especially when combined with a tall glass of water or some warm milk.
Almonds are used as ingredients in many home remedies designed to cure a wide range of problems, from skin issues like acne and blemishes, to respiratory infections and gastrointestinal problems.
To put it simply, eating a handful of almonds per day, every day, is bound to improve the overall health and to improve the appearance too. This, combined with their delicious taste, makes almonds a perfect snack.
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