High Blood Pressure during Pregnancy
Some pregnant women may develop high blood pressure even though they have been perfectly healthy prior the pregnancy. Increased blood pressure in pregnant women can be a risk factor of certain complications for both, a mother and a child. In majority of women who actually suffer from high blood pressure during pregnancy, this condition develops in the second half of the pregnancy. This is why regular check-ups of pregnant women always include measuring of blood pressure. This is the perfect way of early establishment of the diagnosis and prevention of further complications.
Normal systolic blood pressure does not exceed 140 mm Hg and diastolic 90mm Hg. Everything above these values is considered as high blood pressure. Increased blood pressure in pregnant women, especially if not treated properly, may eventually result in preeclampsia and eclampsia which are two serious and potentially life-threatening medical conditions. Apart from the elevation of blood pressure in preeclampsia a woman also deals with increased amount of proteins in the urine, and eclampsia is accompanied by seizures.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy
In pregnant women elevated blood pressure may also go along with proteinuria. To assess possible medical conditions the doctor will require from the patient to collect urine within 24 hours and then the urine will be tested on the presence of proteins and their exact amount will be determined. If there is increased amount of proteins in the urine this may be a telltale sign of high blood pressure.
Additionally, rapid increase in body weight can be other symptoms of elevated blood pressure. High blood pressure also causes exhaustion, headaches, tinnitus, and dizziness. A woman may also experience low input of urine or even blood traces in urine. Elevated blood pressure most commonly features with vision disturbances such as blurred vision or double vision. And in extreme cases a pregnant woman may feel nausea and vomit or even suffer from abdominal pain.
Everybody should know that preeclampsia is rather serious medical condition. Increase blood pressure in the body leads to constriction of the blood vessels including those of placenta and umbilical cord. The consequence is insufficient supply of the baby with nutrients and oxygen.
Additionally, in preeclampsic women the risk of early labor is significantly increased. This condition can consequently lead to placental abruption and finally if eclampsia occurs a woman may end up in coma.
The bottom line is that this medical condition has to be detected on time and only this way further damage due to increased blood pressure can be prevented.
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