Cysticfibrosis is a term used for the serious disease which affects lungs, digestivesystem, sweat glands and male fertility. This disorder is inherited and usuallycauses severe lung damage and nutritional deficiencies. Because of cysticfibrosis the body is unable to effectively move water and salt in and out ofcells. Those cells juices in pancreas and lungs which produce sweat and mucusare affected in that way that these substances become thick, thus blockingpassageways. Cystic fibrosis is usually found in white people in northernEurope. Earlier, the children died in their teens because of cystic fibrosis,but today, due to proper medications and treatments, the persons who suffers from this disease can live much longer and reach their 50s or 60s.
Cysticfibrosis has its warning signs and symptoms. They can appear alone or incombination and can vary from child to child. Usually they appear in infancy,but there in some cases when the first symptom appears in adolescence oradulthood. One of the most frequent symptoms of cystic fibrosis is theincreased amount of salt in the child’s sweat and it is easily discovered whenthe parents kiss their child. When the person suffers from cysticfibrosis, usually symptoms appear in the digestive system and the respiratorysystem.
Cysticfibrosis causes thick mucus in the tubes of the lungs and this makes itdifficult for the air to move in and out of the lungs. Because of this, severalsymptoms occur, such as constant cough, panting, and breathlessness. Thepersons suffering from cystic fibrosis also have recurring sinus and lungproblems and infections. Cysticfibrosis also affects digestive system in that way that thick mucus blocks thetubes which transmit the enzymes from pancreas to the intestine. This causesbloated stomach, foul-smelling and greasy stool and the intestine obstruction.The persons who have cystic fibrosis usually complain of inability to gainweight or to grow normally.
It isvery important to contact the doctor, if the parents notice certain symptoms intheir children, such as difficult and persistent cough, fatty and bad-smellingstools, the problems with growing, as well as frequent sinus or lungsinfections. If the child has the problem with breathing and cannot breathenormally it is crucial to visit the physician. There are several ways howone can ease the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. It is recommended for thepatients to drink as much fluids as they can, to frequently exercise, to takesome supplemental high-calorie nutrition, oral pancreatic enzymes, to take careof the immune system by regular vaccinations, and to avoid or eliminatesmoking.
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