Ectopic Pregnancy
After fertilization an eggs is normally implanted into the uterus. However, in some women fertilized egg may be implanted outside the uterus and this pregnancy is classified as ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy most commonly affects fallopian tubes but ovaries and other structure in the pelvis may be affected as well. This condition is potentially life threatening and if not found on time it can lead to rupture of the affected organs and lethal hemorrhage.
Surgery for Ectopic Pregnancy
The best outcome is obtained if ectopic pregnancy is detected on time. In majority of cases, the surgery is the only treatment modality which can effectively repair the damage and prevent from further complications. Two surgical procedures that can be performed in ectopic pregnancy include laparoscopy and laporotomy. They are both effective in setting of the diagnosis and the treatment of this medical condition.
Initially, the doctor will try to solve the problem with certain medications. The most commonly used medication is metotrexate. If this medication does not provide with the desirable results a woman needs to be operated.
LaparoscopyLaparoscopy is a minimal invasive procedure which can be helpful in visualization of the organs present in pelvis and abdominal cavity. This procedure does not require prolonged hospitalization and the recovery lasts shorter comparing to conventional ectopic pregnancy surgery. The doctor will inform a patient how to prepare for the procedure and what are the benefits and potential risks of laparoscopy.
The patient is not supposed to consume food or to drink fluids for approximately 8 hours prior the procedure. The medications that are administered during the procedure may interfere in motor reactions of the patients so they are not advised to drive at least 24 hours after the surgery.
Prior the procedure the patient is administered anesthesia. After that a tiny incision is made on the abdomen, a little below the belly button. The laparoscope is inserted through the incision and the doctor will examine the abdominal cavity. If there is a sign of ectopic pregnancy the doctor will simply remove it. The extension of the removed tissue basically depends on the very ectopic pregnancy. Namely, if the pregnancy is in the beginning the doctor will be able to preserve affected structures. If the pregnancy has progressed the affected organ will need to be removed completely.
LaparotomyLaparotomy is done if ectopic pregnancy cannot be successfully eliminated by laparoscopy. This procedure may lead to postoperative pain and sometimes it takes longer for a patient to fully recover.
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