Thyroid cancer
The thyroid gland can sometimes develop either solid nodules or the nodules filled with fluid. In most cases, these nodules are just benign, harmless and without manifesting any symptom. When the thyroid gland cells start to grow abnormally, the thyroid cancer develops. Every cancer tends to expand to the adjacent parts of the body if it is not treated on time.
Types of thyroid cancer
Papillary cancer is the type that most often occurs when the thyroid follicle cells begin to overgrow. It is observed that the females between 30 and 50 years of age are most susceptible to papillary thyroid cancer.
Follicular cancer is a type of thyroid cancer, which is more serious than papillary cancer since it usually spreads to the veins and arteries that are within the thyroid gland and then easily expands to the heart and bones.
Medullary cancer has several subtypes. However, it develops out of overgrow of C cells of the thyroid. Anaplastic thyroid cancer progresses very quickly and it is very dangerous.
The fifth type of the thyroid cancer is thyroid lymphoma, which develops in the lymphocytes.
Signs and symptoms of thyroid gland cancer
The thyroid gland cancer usually does not show symptoms in the first phases and for this reason, it is very difficult to diagnose it in these early stages. However, as the cancer advances, the symptoms and signs begin to emerge. The people who develop thyroid cancer usually have problems with swallowing and breathing, and pain in the throat (as well as in the neck) is prominent. Moreover, the lymph nodes in this region are swollen and constant coughing occurs even though there is no other illness like cold. Change in the voice and hoarseness are also quite common symptoms when the thyroid cancer is in question. The thyroid cancer may cause hyperthyroidism, which subsequently causes the symptoms typical of that condition, such as weight loss and nervousness and many other symptoms.
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