All medicines may have potential side effects but they areusually minor. Ventolin HFA Aerosol’s minor side effects include coughing,headache, nervous feeling, inflamed sinus, sore throat, tremor, unusual tastein one’s mouth and finding it hard to fall asleep.
Medical attention should besought right away if one experiences any severe side effects of Ventolin HFAaerosol. These maybe reflected in allergic reactions indicated by rash,itching, difficult breathing, a tight feeling in the chest, swollen mouth, faceand tongue. If one feels chest pain and experiences an irregular heartbeat, severeheadache and dizziness or worsened trouble when breathing, the doctor should beinformed immediately.
Ventolin HFA side effects may be triggered by or somehowconnected to paradoxical bornchospasms, cardiovascular effects, immediatehypersensitivity reactions, or hypokalemia.
Clininal trials offer adverse reaction rates and areconducted under conditions that vary greatly and those rates cannot be comparedto other medication’s rates and do not reflect the rates that get observed in practice.
Over the course of twelve weeks, a randomized double blindstudy took place in 610 asthmatic patients of various ages.
During the study,the Ventolin HFA got compared with a CFC 11/12 propelled Albuterol inhalatorand an HFA-134a placebo inhaler. The incidence of adverse reaction for theVentolin HFA and the Albuterol inhaler were pretty much comparable. The groupthat used Ventolin HFA had a three percent greater rate of adverse reaction and itwas even more frequent than that of the group that used the placebo inhaler.
A pediatric clinical study in infants with asthma showed anadverse reaction similar to the one usually associated with adolescent andadult patients.
Over the course of three studies, the scientists came to theconclusion that the efficacy of Ventolin HFA cannot be established in the groupof patients that includes children between birth and four years of age, andtherefore its safety for this group of patients suffering from asthma cannot beestablished.
The pediatric population of infants under four years old has a safetyprofile that is highly comparable to the safety profile of the patients thatbelong to the geriatric, adult and adolescent patients. The adverse reaction rates were significantly greater in the group of patients under four years old.
Higher incidence rates were present in all different treatment groups, includingthe placebo inhalers. Adverse reactions usually include infections of the upperrespiratory tract, pyrexia, and tachycardia.
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