Lidocaine injections are used to numb the desirable area prior the surgical or any other medical procedure. This medication as any other possesses the certain side effects that have to be recognized timely. Additionally, the application of lidocaine has to be accompanied with certain precautions.
Side Effects of Lidocaine
Lidocaine may lead to nausea. If this side effect occurs, the application of this medication has to be discontinued. More serious side effects include drowsiness and changes in vision, headache and tremor. A person should not drive or operate heavy machinery after the application of lidocaine.Depending on the injected spot and the way of its application a person may experience transitory weakness.
In rather rare occasions lidocaine may induce high body temperature, rapid or slow heart rate and troubles with breathing. Chest pain is additional highly unlikely side effect. In certain number of patients seizures have been reported.
It is not common that this medication can cause allergic reactions. Still if symptoms and sign such as rash, itching, swelling of the injected area, lightheadedness and difficulties with breathing develop, it is likely that the allergic reaction has occurred.
To avoid possible side effects and to be sure that the drug is not going to harm the patient, a doctor needs to be familiar with certain data. Namely, a patient has to report allergy to any medication. All the accompanied medical conditions have to be reported as well. This especially refers to heart diseases such as heart block and heart failure, problems with blood pressure, liver and kidney diseases.
Lidocaine is not supposed to be used in case of nerve diseases. It is also avoided in problems with spine. A person may feel sleepy after the application and this can be enhanced by previous alcohol consumption. This is why a patient should not drink a certain period of time prior the surgical or any other medical intervention in which lidocaine is used. Patients who are chronic alcoholics need to be thoroughly examined prior the lidocaine application and the doctor will decide whether he/ she will use lidocaine in the specific intervention.
Some side effects such as lightheadedness or vertigo can be easily overcome if a patient sits for a while after the intervention and then slowly stands up.
In case that muscle weakness persists and person cannot re-establish the muscle control he/ she must report it to the doctor.
Special precaution is taken when lidocaine is applied in elderly patients. In these people side effects occur more than in other generations. Additionally, special attention is paid to children as they are more sensitive to the effects of lidocaine. And finally ,careful usage is recommended in pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.
Drug Interactions
Lidocaine may interact with numerous medications. This should be taken into consideration prior the usage. All the medications that are taken on regular bases need to be reported as this way interactions can be successfully avoided.
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