A Breathtaking Nasal Complication
We have two nostrils. These are dividedby a cartilage and bone structure which goes through, all the way tothe inner part of our nose. This tissue of the division is called aseptum. Even though the septum should provide us with adequatebreathings and clearly divided nostrils, sometimes there may beproblems in this area. Namely, there are cases of septum deformationsor abnormalities. These mainly manifest through breathingdifficulties and can be quite annoying, even potentially dangerous.Therefore, those who have such problems need to have a septoplastyperformed upon their noses. This surgical procedure involves fixingthis part of our nose. After the surgery, and the adequate recoveryperiod, one is able to breathe without any obstructions. Thissurgical approach is similar to that of rhinoplasty. Nevertheless,read on in order to get more acquainted with the septoplastyprocedure itself.
Characteristics of Septoplasty
Explained in the simplest possible way,septoplasty involves cutting into one's septum and correcting itsdeviations, setting it onto the right path, where it will equallydivide the two nostrils without creating any obstructions or otherproblems. Thus, during this procedure, the surgeon will cut into theseptum, get to the cartilage part and maneuver it into the correctposition. Any bone abnormalities and deviations are fixed during thisprocedure as well. The re-positioned septum is fixated by the meansof small, plastic splints and stitches. Later on, during the recoveryperiod, the stitches rot away and the patient is able to breathefreely.
Even though people can live with septumproblems and deformities, this phenomenon may cause numerous healthcomplications over time. So, tumors, sleep apnea, headaches and sinusproblems are just some of the common hardships related to thiscondition. Septoplasty is a costly procedure, but it is certainlyworth the price, taking into consideration all the benefits itprovides.
Means of Precaution During Recovery
Of course, blowing your nose orstraining your muscles, as well as breathing too strong are all outof the question. Rather, you are to remain calm and relaxed, keepingyour head a bit elevated whenever you choose to lie down. You willmost likely be sent home from the hospital, during the first 24 hoursafter the procedure.
Ice application or taking someover-the-counter painkillers may both help you with pain anddiscomfort reduction. In case you experience any escalations of pain,or any other problems and complications, seek medical attentionimmediately.
Unfortunately, there are chances that asingle septoplasty may not solve your breathing problems. Also, thewound made during the operation may get infected and trigger numeroustroubles. However, both of these cases are rare.
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