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There are numerous allergies that you can suffer from and unfortunately the figures are increasing year by year. People who are lucky enough to do not have to live with any form of allergies may find it difficult to understand and respect the difficulties of living with and controlling an allergy.

Facts about Wheat Allergies

There is actually more than forty percent of the world’s population who have to deal with the annoyance of wheat allergies. There are certain signs to look out for to determine if you or someone you know are in fact allergic to wheat. Having a wheat allergy basically means that you are allergic to the seed storeroom proteins of wheat. The proteins have gluten, gliadin and globulin in them and these are the culprits that cause you to have a reaction. Each person is different, half are allergic to the protein and the other half have an issue with added seeds and plant tissues. Small percentage of people with a wheat allergy has to simply sniff a little flour and get a bad allergic reaction. Firstly it is important that you do your research and try to understand the treatments available, the preventative measures to take and the types of wheat allergies that exist there. Once you can recognize the actual type of wheat allergy you will have a better idea of the reactions you will be prone to. The symptoms can be rather scary for some people, they can occur within just a few seconds after consuming wheat or they can wait a few hours before appearing.

Symptoms of a Wheat Allergy

The symptoms can range from the mild ones up to severe allergy symptoms depending on a person. A person with wheat allergy can experience the feeling of dizziness, irritated eyes, chest pain, nausea, a skin rash or even vomiting. In an extremely ruthless case you can go into anaphylaxis shock, which is a life threatening response and will require instant medical assistence to deal with it.

What to do if you Suspect a Wheat Allergy

Your doctor can provide you with a series of allergy tests that will help determine and confirm which allergies you suffer with. In these tests, they will take away certain food groups from your diet and monitor your reactions. This can be a lengthy process after which a change in your eating regime and food types may and will ultimately have to change in order to accommodate the allergies.

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