A significant number of those who struggle with additional pounds sees diet pills as a perfect way to put a stop to this struggle and lose these pounds once and for all. This is why little or no attention is paid to their real purpose when buying them, and not to mention the possible side effects that they are associated with. What should everyone know when considering this option is that there is definitely no magic pill, which will give results overnight and which will melt the fat from the area that the person wants it to be melt from. They can help, there is no doubt about that, but if they are combined with certain changes in the diet and physical activity, they will speed up the process.
Appetite suppressants and fat burners are available types of the diet pills, and it is important to be aware of the fact that their mechanism of action is different, despite the fact that they help in achieving the samegoal.
Appetite suppressants
This type of pills can actually help a person feel full for a longer time, which results in decreased amount of calories taken in and as a consequence, the loss of weight will be inevitable. The way in which they make a person less hungry is closely related to the effect that they have on the central nervous system, or more precisely, on the gland in the brain which is known as hypothalamus. Due to the fact that this gland is responsible for those neurotransmitters which are associated with the body’s sleep cycle, one of the possible side effect of these pills can be sleeplessness. However, they can also cause slowing down of the metabolism, which might bring back the lost pounds as a result and make it even more difficult to get rid of them again. A possible side effect that also deserves attention is gradual fading of the potential to decrease the appetite.
Fat absorbing pills
As their name suggests it, these pills have the potential to prevent the absorption of fat by the body to a certain extent. Medications from this group usually require prescription from the doctor, but they will allow the person in question to consume more food rich in fat without the worry that these fats will be absorbed. Orlistat and Alli are most commonly used fat absorbing pills, and oily feces and spontaneous defecation have been reported as their main disadvantages, although some other side effects are possible as well.
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