Turner syndrome or TS is one of disease for which scientists still don’t know the exact cause. They do, however, know that the problem lies in the chromosomes and affects 1 in every 2.500 girls. Girls diagnosed with Turner syndrome are born with only one X chromosome instead of two (XX) or, in some cases, they miss a part of one X chromosome, while the other chromosome is normal.
Symptoms and problems linked to Turner syndrome mainly depend on the number of cells in the body affected with changes to the X chromosome.Turner Syndrome Symptoms
Girls born with this syndrome are usually short in height and without any treatment grow up to 1.4m (or some 4 feet 7 inches). This problem is treatable if the girl is still growing, so many girls can grow taller. There are several physical features, commonly seen in TS, such as: drooping of the eyelids, webbed neck, low hairline at the back, abnormally shaped and positioned ears, abnormality of the bones in the hands and elbows, as well as edemas in the hands and feet.
Turner syndrome also affects the development of ovaries and ability to have children. These girls must be treated in order to get menstruation and experience changes associated with puberty. Regardless the treatment girls with TS are very commonly unable to have children, either completely or at least on their own, without any help.
Girls suffering from TS may also suffer from: hypertension, overweight, diabetes, hearing problems and also kidney, heart and thyroid problems as well. Learning difficulties are also frequently present and math, visual organization and map reading may be especially problematic for these patients.
How to Prevent and Treat TS
So far, there is no known way to prevent this syndrome, due to the cause of the problem (chromosomal abnormality). Treatment options are focused on correction of specific problems these patients have, especially growth, puberty and fertility.
TS patients may get growth hormone treatment to improve her growth and influence her height as an adult. Early treatment is found to give the best results. Estrogen replacement therapy enables development of physical changes and puberty, especially development of breasts and menstruation in these girls. Most girls with Turner syndrome get their estrogen replacement treatment once they reach 12 or 13 years.
Women with TS can’t become pregnant at all or without some help and that’s where in vitro fertilization comes in the picture. To create an embryo, doctors use donor’s egg and place it into the uterus of a woman suffering from Turner’s syndrome. Baby can be born on time, through normal birth, but TS woman need some proper supportive care.
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