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Pregnancy lasts for 9 months and that is a state of a woman’sbody characterized by many changes. Changes are affecting all systems,cardiovascular, digestive, vein system, genital system, abdominal area, uterus, etc.

Weeks 1 - 13

In the first couple of weeks of pregnancy, menstruation cycle isnot present, implantation of the fetus happens in a part of uterus calledendometrium. This part has already been prepared for pregnancy under the effectof hormones. It is very important that implantation happens properly because thatwill set the direction of pregnancy. At the vagina level, a structure isformed, a barrier between the outer environment and the inside of uterus (it isusually located at cervix). Hormonal changes also affect other parts of thebody, breasts are growing and they become sensitive and tender. Sometimes,headache might happen, because the body is going through changes and has toadapt to a new life being forming and growing.

Nausea is characteristic for the first three months of thepregnancy, and sometimes this can be followed by feeling bad and even weightloss (some pregnant women avoid meals because of nausea). This can be avoidedwith increased amount of water, using tea and having smaller but more frequent meals.All sorts of medications should be avoided in the first three months of pregnancy, becausethat is the period when all the major organs are created and they are growingrapidly. Fetus is very sensitive to all sorts of substances, includingmedications. Different meds might have teratogen effect on the fetus, whichmight lead to creation of anomalies, which would result in aborting thepregnancy.

Weeks 14 – 27

Fourth month of the pregnancy is period when the babycontinues growing, too. In this period, the baby’s bones are developing and at the endof this month, the baby will definitely double in size. This is also a time when the baby starts having human features. Actually, in the second trimester, certain detailsare developing, such as facial features, for example, and the baby is starting to move arms.It also makes motions similar to sucking as some sort of preparation forbreastfeeding after delivery. In this trimester, the baby’s gender can be determinedand also the baby opens eyes for the first time.

Weeks 28 - 42

In the final trimester, the baby continues honing survivalskills, which is definitely sucking. The brain continues growing rapidly andthis goes for the baby mass too. As the delivery date closes by, examinationsmight be performed more often. After 40 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is ready tocome out, although this can be prolonged until the end of 42nd week. Having a baby inside for full 42 weeks is not a problem at all, the baby might even be more developed.

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