Pneumonia vaccine side effects
Viruses, bacteria and irritants are the things that may cause the inflammation of the lung parenchyma. Symptoms of a pneumonia include things like fever, shivering, chest pain, strong coughing and shallow breathing. Those that are at the highest risk of ending up with pneumonia are elderly people over the age of 65 and children younger than two years of age. In modern medicine, there are two vaccines for this disease. The names of these vaccines are pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.
Pneumococcal vaccination
Apart from these, a person is more likely to experience pain, redness and swelling on the place where the vaccine was given. If this happens, people need not worry because these side effects will disappear in a matter of few days. Along with these side effects usually go fever, muscle aches and headaches. However, probably the most dangerous side effect is the anaphylaxis but it does not occurs that often. The chances of a person ending up with anaphylaxis is one in a million and it is not difficult to know if a person has it because it manifests itself right after the injection was given. The symptoms of this side effect are hives, rashes, swelling of the lips and in some cases strong anxiety.
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