Pinoidal sinus is a space that is located between the buttocks which is susceptible to an inflammation and cyst formation. Basically hairs may get trapped into the cavity of the sinus and lead to inflammation and consequent formation of an abscess.
Surgery for Pinoidal Sinus
The goal of the surgical procedure is to remove the hair that can cause inflammation and to close the sinus permanently so that additional infection and repeated inflammation can be successfully avoided. There are many surgical procedures that are performed to remove pinoidal sinus. Some of them are not invasive while others include extensive plastic surgery operations. The healing process can occur without any assistance or in some cases stitches are placed onto the operated spot. If the surgery is not so extensive a patient is administered local anesthetics. On the other hand, larger surgical procedures are done under general anesthesia.
Prior the Operation
Patients are advised to quit smoking and if possible to reduce extra weight. Those patients who are suffering from other medical conditions are examined and tested adequately before the very procedure. All the medications that are taken have to be reported to the surgeon as they can lead to interactions with anesthetics. Additionally, patient is due to report any possible allergy.
After the Procedure
The pain is regularly present after the surgery for pinoidal sinus. During the stay in hospital patients certain painkillers are administered. After the discharge they are prescribed additional painkillers which are used if pain reoccurs. For patients who have undergone the surgical procedure under general anesthesia it may take longer to recover. The wound needs to be cleaned and bandaged regularly and in sterile conditions.
When discharged the patients who have been operated under local anesthesia are advised to soak in the bath of warm water the day after the surgery. This should last around 30 minutes and when the bandage or the dressing is removed a patient should put a clean one onto the wound. One should not worry in case of blood discharge. It is normal after this type of surgery. Only if the bleeding continues and is serious one should visit the surgeon as soon as possible.
Complications of Pinoidal Sinus Surgery
Bleeding is one of the possible complications and it usually occurs within first twelve hours after the surgery.
Additionally, a wound can get infected. Luckily this complication is rather easily dealt with a short course of antibiotics.
The surgery is generally highly successful and the patients do not have to face embarrassing inflammation due to pinoidal sinus again.
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