A paternity test is done in order to determine who the father of a baby is. But, is it possible to conduct a paternity test while pregnant? That is the subject that we are going to write about in this article. This test is one of the most accurate methods to determine who the father of the baby is. Paternity tests can be done for various reasons. Sometimes, a mother may want to prove on the court of law who the father is, and in some countries, these types of tests are obligatory for unmarried couples.
DNA Paternity Test While Pregnant
In practice, many paternity tests are conducted after the child is born, but in some cases, paternity tests may be done during the pregnancy. The reasons for this are various; for example, if a mother had several sexual partners during the period when she got pregnant and she wants to know who the father of her baby is, or if a woman was a victim of a rape, she may want to know if the baby that she is caring comes from that rape.
Types of Paternity Tests during Pregnancy
In order for a paternity test to be done, a doctor need to have sample of a fetus, mother and a father. For a paternity test to be done while pregnant, a woman has two methods to choose between amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS). A doctor is the most qualified person so he/she is the one who decides what the most suitable method is. Amniocentesis can be done in the second trimester of a pregnancy (14th-20th week of pregnancy). In this procedure, a needle in inserted through the stomach of the mother so that a doctor can obtain amniotic fluid that is in the uterus. Chorionic Villus Sampling can be done between 10th and 13th week of pregnancy. Chorionic Villi are settled on the wall of the uterus and by removing them, a doctor can use them in the paternity test. They are taken out with a needle that enters the uterus through vagina.
Paternity Test While Pregnant Risks
Just like in any other procedure, these tests carry along some risks. That is why it is advisable to do them at government-accredited facilities. In a case of amniocentesis, a possible risk is a miscarriage or endangering a baby. Other risks are vaginal bleeding, cramps, and leaking of the fluid that is taken out. The same goes for chorionic villus sampling. There is also a possibility for infection development and minor fetus defects, which is why paternity tests during pregnancy are considered to be risky and they are done very rarely. The cost for this kind of tests is between $ 250.00 and $ 2.000.00. Doctors recommend these tests under extraordinary circumstances and they are usually conducted with the consent of doctor whose patient is a mother from the start of a pregnancy.
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