Information on Nasal Polyps
Nasal polyps can actually be characterized as swollen fleshy occurrences which grow from the nasal lining. They may also occur in the sinuses. Their size may vary and their color may be pink, yellow or gray.
They are shaped like a teardrop and they gradually shift their shape as they grow. They may be growing individually or they may be grouped in clusters and in most cases they affect both nostrils at the same time.
They can reduce one’s ability to breathe and a sense of smell because they usually block the flow of air. Nasal polyps are actually a pretty much common medical condition, and they are always benign. They affect men significantly more than they affect women.
Diagnosis and Treatment
In order to diagnose the nasal polyps properly the doctor needs to be familiar with the patient’s medical history and has to examine the patient’s nostrils as well. Polyps can be seen if they are located in the nostrils but those located in the sinuses cannot be seen. In these cases the doctor needs to use computed tomography in order to determine the exact location and size of the polyps. Nasal polyps can be treated by using several different methods and techniques.
One of the most common treatments is the use of steroids. Minor cases which do not involve more than just a few polyps can be treated by prescribed nasal drops or spray loaded with steroid medications. They are very efficient in shrinking the polyps and reducing the inflammatory conditions. Sometimes these medications need some time before a person notices any visible improvement of the condition. They can also cause certain side effects in some cases, but that does not necessarily mean that every patient using them would be experiencing them. They include headache, sore throat and nosebleeds.
Larger polyps which involve more serious instances of inflammatory conditions need to be treated with prescribed steroid tablets which sometimes need to be used in combination with nasal spray or drops which also contain steroids. The tablets are very beneficial in shrinking the polyps but they may also trigger certain side effects. Some patients have experienced weight gain when taking steroid tablets. Large, severe cases require a surgical procedure in order to get them removed.
There are two different types of surgical procedure than can be used, and they depend on the location and size of the polyps. Polypectomy is performed through the nostril under anesthetic which may be local or general. Another type of surgical procedure is the endoscopic sinus surgery and it involves using an endoscope.
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