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If you have a pain in the legs or hips that just won't go away even after you tried painkillers, you could have some of these conditions, and it would be a good idea to consult a health professional in order to determine what treatment is necessary.


A nerve known as sciatic nerve passes among muscles in the buttocks and down along the thigh. If this nerve becomes inflamed, it results with persisting pain, starting in the buttocks and eventually spreading further down along the leg, even to the sole. Lower back might also be a site of sciatica pain there are two main causes for sciatica: intervertebral disc (basically, a pillow made of connective tissue that serves as a joint between two vertebrae) in the lumbar region can be bulging or herniated and can compress one of the nerve roots of the sciatica nerve, or a certain muscle that passes over the sciatic nerve might be too tight and too short and hence compresses it when stretched. Treatment of sciatica consists of soothing of the inflammation and administration of painkillers, as well as of physical therapy. Surgery is required in some cases.

Spinal stenosis

In this condition, the spinal channel is too narrow and there is sufficient space for the nerves that pass through it. It is a condition caused by several diseases, and it usually affects the elderly. Its symptoms include back pain and leg pain and weakness related to walking, which is relieved by rest. Pain worsens over time. Therapy is similar to that used for sciatica, and includes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, orthopaedic devices, and exercise. Surgery may also be necessary.

Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects cartilage in the joints, and if it affects the hip, it will cause pain and discomfort in the surrounding regions - front side of the thigh, groin and buttock. Severe forms of osteoarthritis cause pain even at rest.

Bone cancer

Malignant growth in bone is also a source of persisting pain. Affected person will have difficulty to find a comfortable position for sleep and will experience weight loss and night sweats. Fractures are also frequent complication of this condition.

Multiple sclerosis

This is a serious condition related to failing ability of nerves to transmit signals. It causes numerous complications, and among these is the pain in the lower regions of the body, leg spasms and chronic pain originating from damaged nerves in the affected region, typically the legs. Possible therapy includes lots exercise, where possible, and medication by painkillers, or antidepressants.

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