Causes of high levels of triglycerides
The main reason why high levels of triglycerides aredangerous for a human health lies in the fact that they are associated with anumber of heart diseases and disorders, as well as with stroke. When it comesto causes of these changes, they can be various, and a number of hereditary andenvironmental factors might contribute as well. Unhealthy life habits such asphysical inactivity, smoking, excessive consummation of alcohol, irregular mealsand sizes or meals, overeating, are some of the most frequent culprits for highlevels of cholesterol, while among the diseases that can cause it are alsohypertension, hypothyroidism, liver disease, kidney disease, polycystic ovarysyndrome and others. Even though many people are unaware of that, some medicationsmight also be culprits for the occurrence of this health issue.
Useful tips for fast lowering of triglycerides
The fact is that, even though it might not seem so, it isnot at all difficult to lower the levels of triglycerides; all it takes is tointroduce some changes in the diet and moderate physical activity. In this case,the changes in the diet basically consist of increased intake of foods rich infiber and limited intake of foods that contain high levels of sugar and fat. Forthis reason, some of the things that should be done are the following:
Reduce the intake of sugar, since even simple carbohydrates affectthe levels of triglycerides in a negative way. This also refers to sweetenedfoods such as ice creams, pies, cakes and other desserts.Increase foods rich in fiber because they affect the levelsof triglycerides in a positive way, which means that they lower these levelsnaturally. For this reason, cereals, whole grains and green leafy vegetablesshould become an important part of the diet.Avoid alcohol, since alcoholic beverages are also high insugar, which affects the levels of triglycerides. People who drink alcoholexcessively will significantly improve the levels of triglycerides if theysimply eliminate alcohol, at least for some time.Regarding the changes that refer to the lifestyle, only afew things should be changed:
People who do not exercise should change this and beginexercising since it helps in the process of burning calories, which further preventsthe accumulation of fat and thus triglycerides as well.People who are overweight should lose extra pounds but in anatural and healthy way, even if it might take some time. Once they obtain thehealthy weight, they need to maintain it, and the same goes for people who didnot have problems with extra pounds.People who smoke should quit it, because this bad habitmight affect in a negative way the conditions that are caused by high level oftriglycerides, particularly those that are related to the heart.
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