What is FSH?
FSH is short for follicle-stimulating hormone. This hormone is synthesized by the pituitary gland and is in charge of development, growth, pubertal maturation, and reproductive processes in human body. This hormone normally acts synergistically with one more hormone called luteinizing hormone.
In women, the hormone FSH regulates the growth and recruitment of immature ovarian follicles which become eggs released during ovulation. FSH reaches its peak on the third day of the menstrual cycle. After being stimulated, the ovaries produce and release the egg. Apart from being in charge of a portion of the ovulation process, FSH is also important for maintenance of normal menstrual cycles. In men, who also have this hormone, FSH motivates maturation of seminiferous tubules and spermatogenesis.
Causes of Low FSH Levels
Neither high nor low levels of FSH are good for people of both genders. Low FSH levels, for example, significantly interfere in a person's reproductive ability. There are many causes of low FSH levels. The reduction of levels of this hormone significantly interferes in women's menstrual cycles, and in men it affects the normal production of sperm cells. In some cases, low FSH levels may lead to infertility.
The underlying cause of low FSH levels may be related to a malfunctioning of the pituitary gland, a small brain gland important for the production of this hormone. Any trauma or damage caused by tumors or inflammatory processes of the brain may affect the normal production of FSH. Low levels of FSH can be also a characteristic of certain caused of intellectual disability, Turner's syndrome, ovarian cysts, meningitis, and numerous other medical conditions. And finally, the reduction of levels of this hormone can occur in severely underweight people, smokers, and those people who are exposed to chronic stress.
Symptoms of Low FSH
Symptoms of low FSH are rather typical and non-specific, and in women, they include irregular menstrual cycles, excessive sudden weight gain, and hair gain on parts of the body where men usually have hair and deepening of the voice. Low FSH in men are, on the other hand, known to lead to an increase in height, gynecomastia (the development of a large chest area that resembles female breasts), and a reduction in the amount of body hair.
Diagnosis and Treatment for Low FSH
Patients with low FSH levels may come to the doctor complaining about the previously mentioned symptoms and the doctor first performs a physical examination of the patient and then orders certain tests. There are several tests which can measure the levels of FSH. The reduction can be only confirmed after these tests have been performed.
The goal of the treatment is, in this case, to increase the patient's FSH levels, to be more precise to bring them back to normal. It can be achieved by FSH injections. The injections may be effective in some people suffering from infertility.
In the case that low FSH is connected to certain diseases of the brain such as pituitary tumors, inflammation of the brain tissue or a stroke, the normalization of FSH levels can be achieved after the previously mentioned conditions are treated and brought under control.
And finally, reduction of stress and quitting smoking may result in normalization of FSH levels.
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