Follicle stimulating hormone is one of the most important hormones in the human body. This hormone plays an important role in the reproductive system in women, as well as in men. Gonadotropes are responsible for secreting of follicle stimulating hormone and they are located in the anterior or frontal part of the pituitary gland.
The main role of the follicle-stimulating hormone is to regulate a proper growth and development of male and female reproductive organs. Follicle stimulating hormone works together with the hormone named luteinizing hormone, and this hormone is also very important for the reproductive system.
Functions of follicle stimulating hormone
Follicle stimulating hormone is important for men because it regulates the production of the sperm, while in women, it has the role to control the production of eggs by the ovaries. It also controls menstrual cycle in women. While the level of this hormone is usually the same in men, in women the situation is different. The level of the follicle-stimulating hormone tends to change and reaches the highest point before the ovulation.
This hormone also participates in the forming of placenta when a woman is pregnant. Since, it participates also in the production of reproductive cells, the people who have low levels of this hormone may suffer from infertility.
FSH test
In order to discover the levels of the follicle-stimulating hormone, one has to do the FSH test of the blood. According to the results of this test, one can discover whether there are certain disorders such as low sperm count, or if a woman has entered the menopause. Furthermore, this test can reveal if a child has entered into puberty earlier, or if the sex organs are properly developed. FSH test is also used to diagnose certain disorders of the pituitary gland, such as tumors, for example.
Normal follicle stimulating hormone levels
The normal level of the follicle stimulating hormone in women is considered to be between 5 mIU/ml and 30 mIU/ml, while in men, it is considered to be between 5 mIU/ml and 20 mIU/ml.
There are several reasons that are responsible for the occurrence of high levels of this hormone. Congenital or present at birth disorders, as well as acquired disorders can lead to the rise in the level of follicle stimulating hormone. A chromosomal disorder can influence the pituitary gland to produce the abnormal FSH amounts. On the other side, smoking, stress and exercise can lead to the increase in FSH level.
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