The review is available from The Cochrane Library, and featured 1,348 women who received the weekly FSH shot, as well as 987 women who received daily injections. Dr Jan Kremer from Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center in the Netherlands, who worked on the review, told the press that weekly FSH shots appear to be a viable alternative to the daily injections so many women who are undergoing IVF dread. He said: "Long-acting FSH (weekly injection) is a good and safe alternative to daily injections in the first week of ovarian stimulation for IVF." These weekly injections are being used in Europe at the moment, but not in the United States. Still, Dr Kremer pointed out that there is only a limited amount of data available when it comes to certain groups of women and the weekly FSH shot.
Women who suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and those with a lower ovarian response may not be great candidates for the long-action injection of follicle stimulating hormone. We'd love to hear from women who are undergoing IVF, and have received either the daily or weekly shots. What were your experiences? Would you jump at the chance to get the long-acting FSH injections if you could? Come and chat about it on the fertility treatments and drugs section of our forum!
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