The answer is yes, ovulation bleeding is very different than menstrual flow and tends to be a light pink or red in color and the flow is typically much lighter than a period and will last for a day or two. When trying to conceive, ovulation bleeding can be an indication of a woman's most fertile time, so it is important to pay attention to the signs her body is giving her. There are a number of different things that can lead to ovulation bleeding and for most women that do have it, the cause is unclear. During the bursting of an ovarian follicle sometimes pain and bleeding can occur, but ovulation bleeding that is severe or lasts for longer than a few days can be an indication of something else, such as endometriosis.
Bleeding episodes that are 14 days apart could signal a lack of ovulation completely. A variety of different disorders or problems may be the cause of this which can include cervical irritation or inflammation, or polyps of the cervix or uterus. These things need to be checked by a physician, as it can require medical treatment, particularly if a woman is trying to conceive a baby and having no luck. A medical professional may need to perform a manual examination of the uterus to help diagnose the cause of abnormal bleeding. Other methods can include a transvaginal ultrasound or a diagnostic hysteroscope which can detect polyps, fibroids and other complications. During a diagnostic hysteroscope, it may be possible for the doctor to remove the polyps and take a sample of uterine tissue for biopsy. A woman now knows the answer to the question is ovulation bleeding normal and she is aware of what to look for should there be any concern. If bleeding is persistent or accompanied by sharp, intense, shooting pain, it is recommended to seek prompt medical attention as quickly as possible, to ensure there is nothing more serious to be concerned with.
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