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Silent Acid reflux

In the following text, we will focus on a condition that can be tricky to diagnose. There are many possible conditions that can affect a human being. Most of them provoke certain problems and symptoms, but this is not the case with silent acid reflux. This condition causes no symptoms, which is why it can be a problem to identify the issue. The problem will get more complicated over time, and this usually is the time when the condition is identified. Until then, people do not even know that they have silent acid reflux. When the stomach content returns to the throat via the esophagus, this condition is experienced. Common acid reflux induces indigestion and heartburn, but as we have said, there are times when no symptoms are felt. This is the case whit silent acid reflux, whose name can suggest this fact. Lakyngopharyngeal reflux is another name used for this problem, which refers to the return of the stomach content also through the pharynx or larynx.

Causes and Symptoms

There are various causes of silent acid reflux and they are very similar to those of common acid reflux. This is not odd, since they are similar conditions. The causes include hiatal hernia, obesity, tight clothing, dairy products, red meat, heavy meals, caffeine, fried food, alcohol and smoking.

Troubles with the sphincter muscle are indicated by this condition. Food and drinks go to the stomach and are prevented to return due to this muscle. There are two sets of these muscles. Body has lower esophagus and when the lower set of sphincter muscles does not fulfill the obligations, the contents enter the lower esophagus. This is not a real problem, since this area is not so delicate and sensitive. This happens with silent acid reflux. Other symptoms experienced are excessive snoring, sleep apnea, sinus problems, excessive mucus manufacture, throat sensation lump, bitter taste in the mouth, sensation of choking, voice hoarseness, swallowing problems and throat irritation.


This problem can affect infants and it can cause some damage since the reflux in this case sends the content back in the stomach, thus inducing damage to the digestive tract and inner lining. If this problem is detected, an infant should be sent to the specialist immediately. Symptoms include poor sleeping habits, blood detected in the stool, poor feeding habits, sour breath, constant cough, frequent hiccups, and sudden bursts of crying.


Alteration of your life style and eating habits can be better than using medication. Try to eliminate excessive intake of caffeine, alcohol, reduce smoking and the food that may irritate your stomach. There are serious cases of silent acid reflux and they can induce damage of the voice box. These cases must be treated with surgery. Seek medical attention if you detect the problem.

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