The term “head wound” refers to any kind of trauma to the head that is caused by external circumstances such as cuts, vehicle crashes, and falls, and obviously, there are many different types of head wounds.
A closed head wound results from a direct blow to the head. In these cases, the skull is not cracked open, but there is potential damage to the brain, because of the impact contact between the brain and the skull that resulted from the blow.
A penetrating head wound occurs when a foreign object passes through the skull and into the brain. Examples of this kind of head trauma would include a gunshot or stab wound to the head, but also, for example, rebar or other debris entering the head when a person suffers an accident.
Skull fractures can also result, mainly from bad falls onto the head or car accidents that are serious.
In cases of major bleeding, immediate medical attention is needed, because the wound will probably have to be operated on to prevent long-term damage.
Since the skull protects the brain, which is one of the most, if not the most important organ of the body, all head wounds are delicate and a doctor should be seen in the case of any type of serious wound to the head.
The things that are needed to treat a head wound before the patient receives professional medical attention are ice, towels, clean washcloths, and medicine for the pain.
Emergency medical help must be called immediately. While the person is waiting for the medical team to arrive, pressure needs to be applied to the wound, but not if it is an injury of the eyes, or if blood or clear fluid is leaking from the ears or nose and there are visible bone fragments from the injury or any kind of skull deformity.
All objects that could be located around the wound must be removed from the area of the wound, and the person should lie down and keep the head and chest elevated. Leave the cleaning of the wound to the professionals and do not try to do it alone. Remember that if a foreign object is stuck in the head, removing it could result in profuse bleeding, in turn worsening the situation.
Press on the wound with a clean cloth and apply pressure for 15 minutes. Do not remove the cloth if the bleeding is continuous. Continue applying pressure and if there is a penetrating object in the head, apply pressure around it, not directly on top of it.
If it is a light fall, just apply ice to the wound and keep the head and shoulders elevated in order to relieve the swelling.
Take some ice, wrap it in a towel, and apply it to the head wound. Do not apply the ice directly, because it can result in ice burn if there is no buffer between the ice and skin, as well as introducing bacteria that could cause infection.
If the injury is minor, it is best to just allow the person to rest and to give them plenty of water and painkillers. The application of ice is good for the swelling as well.
The most important thing to remember with serious head injuries is that medical attention is needed immediately, so either take the person to the hospital or call and ambulance as soon as possible to come and pick up the patient. In cases where there is further trauma to other areas of the body, or there is a foreign object in the head, it is best to wait for first responders rather than moving the person yourself.
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