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Herniated disc represents protrusion of the disc in the spine. The condition is also known as bulging disc and is very painful. In majority of cases herniation affects lower portions of the spine (lumbar spine). The problem is generally associated with the process of aging. With age the disc becomes brittle, dry and loses a cushion existence. The outer part of a weakened disc is prone to tearing and other damage The internal part of the disc can easily push through the tear and this leads to herniation.

Cure Herniated Disc with Non-surgical Procedures

It is essential to start controlling the pain associated with herniated disc prior starting with other therapies. The person is due to rest for a day or two. Prolonged lying in bed and inactivity are not advised. One may benefit from stretching out on the floor with the knees bent and legs elevated. The person must abstain from bending, lifting and sitting in one position.

Furthermore, patients are due to take prescribed medications. Pain relievers such as acetamiophen or NSAIDs are highly successful when it comes to pain due to disc herniation. They efficiently reduce swelling and inflammation. Apart from painkillers patients may be also prescribed muscle relaxants and antidepressants.

Heat and cold therapy are another methods to accelerate healing. Cold therapy is supposed to be used during the first 48 hours. For this purpose one may use ice pack or bags of frozen vegetable wrapped in a towel. They are pressed onto the painful spot and kept for 15 minutes several times per day. Heat therapy (heat lamp, heating pad and heat pack) can be used the second day.

The stability of the affected spine is increased with a brace. Braces are used for short period of time and they cannot replace strengthening exercises which are essential in regaining stability of the spine. Exercise therapy should start as soon as one has succeed to manage the pain. Exercises are effective for both, recovery and prevention of disease recurrence. Patients exercise under supervision of a well experienced physical therapist.

And finally, one should walk, stretch and perform range of motion exercises in water. Hydrotherapy is excellent and can successfully reduce pain and it also increases muscle relaxation.

Curing Herniated Disc with Surgery

Endoscopic surgery efficiently removes damaged parts of the disc, hence release pressure from the spinal nerve roots. This type of surgery is generally performed on an outpatient basis. One more surgical option is research laminotomy or laminectomy. This procedure includes the removal of the covering of the spinal canal at the site of the herniated disc. The goal of the surgery is reduction in pressure of the disc on the spinal nerve. And finally, there is discetomy, a removal of part of the affected disc. The procedure is commonly performed together with laminotomy.

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