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The fact that ovulation happens once during a menstrual cycle is well known, as well as the tendency of ovulation to occur somewhere during the middle of the cycle, between one menstruation and the next. If you are trying to conceive, you know that your ovulation is the perfect window to get pregnant, and that having intercourse during this time greatly increases your chances of making it happen that month. But how long does ovulation actually last, and what is the duration of your personal fertility window?

When one of your two ovaries releases an egg, and your ovulation commences, it will take up to two days for that egg to reach the uterus through the fallopian tubes. The first 24 hours after the egg is released are the optimal time to have intercourse, but there are some factors to take into account here. First of all, sperm can survive in the female body for up to five days. If you had intercourse before the start of your ovulation, it is possible that a sperm will already be waiting!

And the other thing you have to keep in mind is that fertilization of an egg can potentially occur on any point of its journey from the ovaries to the uterus. What is the best time to have intercourse, then? Of course, it helps to do the deed immediately after you find out you are ovulation, whether it is through an ovulation test, checking cervix mucus or cervical positioning, or charting to conceive. Because the next two days are a great time to try to get pregnant, and the first day offers the highest chances, being intimate with your partner as often as you can in this time definitely swings the odds in your favor! But remember to have intercourse before your ovulation begins too!

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