Over activity of the thyroid gland is known as hyperthyroidism. Thyroid hormones are controlling metabolism and levels of iodine, so when there is an overactive thyroid gland many of the processes in the body are affected. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are increased body temperature, sweating, weight loss, anxiety, tremors and heart palpitations. Goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland, present as a swelling on the neck) is a quite common symptom. Grave’s disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism. This is a severe case of the illness, which could lead to coma or have fatal result.
The cause of hyperthyroidism is still unknown, but the autoimmune disorder and allergic reactions (to milk, gluten, chocolate, nicotine, mercury etc.) are believed to be connected with the illness. High stress levels, intestinal infections or hormonal misbalance could also induce hyperthyroidism. The illness affects women more than men, perhaps due to more often hormonal imbalances.
The conventional treatment of hyperthyroidism is surgery and use of medications. Sometimes, it might be possible to suppress the overactive thyroid gland using high doses of lithium, and to treat the autoimmune disorders with PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), one of the B-complex vitamins. Usual dose of PABA is 3 to 5 grams on a daily basis.
The deficiency of pancreas enzymes might be resolved with the intake of betaine and pepsin, and aminoacids glutamine and/or pancreatin.
It is recommended to use multivitamin supplements, especially vitamins C and B complex vitamins. Daily needs in vitamins are 50 mg of vitamin B complex, two times a day and 1g of vitamin C.
Oil of the evening primrose could help to increase the essential fatty acids, and selenium, copper, zinc, iodine and tyrosine are helpful to the overactive thyroid gland, too. Usually, the recommended dosage of the primrose oil is 2 tablets of 500 mg, three times a day.
The gypsywort tincture compensate too much of iodine. 5 drops in a glass of water should be used three times a day.
The oak bark and the root of the male fern in a decoct should be rubbed to the neck twice a day.
Hyperthyroid inflammation could be treated with Curcumin.
Clay wraps or cabbage applied to the neck area could resolve some issues related to the illness, like increased heartbeat rate or shaky hands. Use of bugle or lemon balm can be beneficial for the hyperthyroid treatment too.
Exercise regularly and keep your body healthy, it could prevent the hyperthyroidism. One of the best practices for your thyroid gland is said to be water stepping, so spend some time and walk barefoot on the wet grass, or go to the sauna or the steam bath.
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