Traditional vs Modern
We all know that, in the past, women gave birth solely with the help of midwives. These women did not have medications, surgeries or any other advanced methods of child delivery, yet they managed just fine and many of our grandparents were born completely healthy that way. With the development of medicine as an institution, many have forgotten natural process of giving birth and started believing that labor is impossible unless in a medical institution, guided by a doctor. What is more, during hospital labors, a women is given many different medications in order to remove the pain from the process. However, these medication may interfere with the health of the child and the process of giving birth itself.
For these reasons, and plenty more, nowadays, more and more women are opting for traditional way of giving birth, considering the natural method to be the best. There are many benefits to giving birth naturally, especially when you take your baby's health into consideration. Anesthetics, medications and all other supplements of medically assisted labor can prove to bring more harm than help. What is more, often, these do not work the way they are supposed to, and, affected by medication, a woman cannot feel her baby coming out, thereby being incapable of providing contractions. All in all, natural way of giving birth has its benefits and all women should be given a choice, rather than being ordered to follow social norms of modern civilization.
How to Give Birth Naturally
Even though you need no doctors and surgery in order to give birth, you still need support. For this purpose, you need to choose a midwife. You might opt for a doctor, a nurse or an actual, traditional, midwife. Either way, you need someone experienced and supportive to be with you during this, possibly the most exciting and beautiful part of your life. Next, choose a birth place beforehand. This can be your home, a natural birth center or even a hospital. Just be prepared and choose this place in advance. Subsequently, know everything about your birth and plan all before it actually happens, consulting with your midwife and people close to you. You can do this by taking classes during your pregnancy, reading books about it or seeking advice from women who already gave birth. Finally, during labor you can use the help of a doula, a birth ball, many different relaxation and birth giving techniques as well as support of your whole family and your best friends.
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