Enuresis is a condition which manifests through involuntary urination. In children, it is also known as bed-wetting. Normally, children take time to learn how to control their bladder and, until the age of 4, many children may lose control over their urine and pee themselves or wet the bed. However, by the age of 5 or 6, most children can control their bladder perfectly fine. However, if a child older than 5, wets his/her bed more than 2 times every week for at least 3 months, he/she is suffering from bed-wetting and needs help as well as support since this can be quite a bothersome and humiliating state of affairs.
Reasons behind Bed-Wetting in Children
Children never wet the bed on purpose. Rather, they do this involuntary, forced by several main reasons.
A delayed growth may affect the nervous system of a child, making him/her incapable of controlling the bladder efficiently. Namely, the nerves in the bladder may not inform the brain of the necessity of going to the bathroom, resulting in bed-wetting.
Alternatively, some children may have a small bladder which cannot hold their urine properly, getting full over a short period of time.
Also, one of the reasons behind this condition may be lack of sufficient amounts of a specific hormone which tells the kidneys to release less water.
Some other factors may lead to enuresis too, like sleeping too tightly, or being affected by emotional traumas, stress or some new, exciting experience in life. All these may lead to bed-wetting.
However, the reasons behind bed-wetting in children may not be so benign. Children might be suffering from a health condition which needs to be treated timely. Urinary tract infection, kidney and bladder diseases as well as many other illnesses, all can possibly trigger enuresis in children. Therefore, if symptoms remain prevalent, one needs to seek medical assistance and proper treatment.
Treatment for Bed-Wetting in Children
If a child is younger than 7, treatment is usually not necessary since the affected individuals can often learn how to control their bladder over time. Yet, if the child is older than 7 and wets the bed for more than 2 times a week for more than 3 months, he/she needs to be thoroughly examined and the reason behind his/her enuresis properly diagnosed. Then, timely treatment can stand in the way of bed-wetting.
Also, there are steps you, as a parent, can take in order to help your child. First of all, make sure you give your child water and fluids during the morning and the afternoon, avoiding this in the evening or during the night. Chocolate and cola contain caffeine, which is a diuretic, so you might want to cut down on these. Furthermore, teach your child to use the toilet before going to sleep. Finally, provide support and understanding since your child needs it.
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