Down syndrome
Down syndrome is a condition that cannot be prevented prior to conception. Parents of Down syndrome children have not done anything to cause their child to be conceived with this condition, and the syndrome can affect anyone. However, as a mother ages, the risk of a child being conceived with Down syndrome increases.
Those born with Down syndrome will generally display certain features or traits that are characteristic of those with the condition. For example, Down syndrome people might be shorter than normal, suffer from learning problems, and have distinctive shaped facial features. They might also have broader than usual hands with a single crease, or short fingers and toes. In addition to this, Down syndrome people might also have small, round heads, loose joints, and a lack of muscle tone. Those with Down syndrome might also be more vulnerable to leukemia, infections, and problems with the major organs. Some Down syndrom people might also have hearing, breathing, swallowing, and seeing problems.
Parents and Down syndrome
Some parents might feel ashamed of giving birth to a Down syndrome child. However, it is absolutely imperative that parents realize that there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Conceiving a Down syndrome child can happen to anyone, and is not something that one should even consider to be worthy of shame. Parents should try to ensure their child undergoes regular medical checkups. Try not to miss any medical appointments, as it is very important that Down syndrome children and adults take detailed care of their medical health.
It is also important that the child is properly vaccinated, since Down syndrome people are often more vulnerable to infection and related problems. Try to be as educated as possible when it comes to knowing about Down syndrome. In addition to this, try to interact with your child as much as possible, particularly with regard to seeking to develop the child's cognitive capacity as normally as possible. If you need it, there is plenty of support available for both parents and children, so don't be afraid to avail of it.
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