A virus is a microscopic organism that can replicate only inside cells of another organism. Viruses cause numerous diseases and disorders in humans as well as animals and plants and even bacteria. A virus is the leading cause of infectious diseases which can range from minor to fatal in nature. Given below are lists of viral diseases in humans, animals and plants.
List of Viral Diseases in HumansViral disease in humans can spread through coughing and sneezing, sexual contact, fecal-oral route or contact with infected blood. Depending on the type of viral agent, some of viral diseases in humans are trivial and easily curable and preventable whilst some can be seriously life-threatening if left untreated. Avoiding contact with an infected person and frequent hand washing can help to prevent viral diseases. Preventive vaccines are also available for many diseases caused by viruses. Treatment for viral diseases depends on the severity of an infection. Minor viral infections may resolve without a treatment while other viral infections may require antiviral drugs. The following are diseases caused by viruses in humans:SARS (Coronovirus)Avian or bird fluSwine fluLymphocytic choriomeningitisInfectious mononucleosisCoxsackie virus A infectionCoxsackie B virus infection Human papilloma virusNorovirus gastroenteritisBronchiolitisPneumoniaHuman parvovirus infectionHTLV-I, II, III infectionsWarts Kawasaki diseaseVaricellaViral EncephalitisBK virus infectionCalicivirus infectionColorado tick feverViral meningitisVenezuelan hemorrhagic feverWest Nile feverZika feverChicken poxRhinovirusDengueInfluenzaMeaselsHIV/AIDSMumpsRabiesSmallpoxHepatitis A, B, C, D, EErythema infectiosumGenital wartsHerpes simplex virus infectionRoseolaShinglesYellow feverCervical cancerRotavirus infectionList of Viral Diseases in Animals
Viruses also cause many diseases in animals. Some of these diseases can be spread from animals to humans. Animals can be protected against viral diseases with vaccination. Here are some of diseases in animals caused by viruses:Feline herpesvirus infectionsBovine respiratory syncytial virus infectionRinderpestViral conjunctivitisEquine infectious anemiaSwine feverEquine arteritisTick-borne encephalitisCowpoxMonkeypoxTurkeypoxMyxomatosisRabbit hemorrhagic diseaseBovine viral diarrheaFeline Retrovirus infectionCanine distemperRabiesFeline leukemia virus infectionInfectious salmon anemiaHantavirus infectionCanine hepatitisCanine parainfluenza virus infectionFeline infectious peritonitisList of Viral Diseases in Plants
Plants are also susceptible to viral diseases which may cause only loss in yield or completely destroy plants or crops. However, plant viruses are harmless to humans and animals. There are no ways to prevent viral diseases in plants except maintaining good hygiene when propagating and growing plants. Zucchini yellow mosaic virus disease Lettuce mosaic virus disease Bean common mosaic virus disease Rose mosaic virus diseaseTobacco Mosaic virus diseaseBud blightPeony ring spotTomato spotted wiltCankersTomato bushy stuntPsoriasis AFanleaf diseaseTobacco etch virus infectionPeanut stunt virus diseaseBarley yellow dwarf virus diseaseNecrotic spotsQuirking virus diseaseChrysanthemum-stunt virus diseaseWound tumor virus
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